Daily Phrase 2

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Daily Phrase 1 : https://japanesestudynow.wordpress.com/daily-phrase/


~てたまらない(~te tamaranai)

be dying to do, you strongly feel about or want to do something

* て as in ~てたまらない is te-form of an adjective.

Ex) あなたに会いたくてたまらない!(anata ni aitakute tamaranai!)

= I’m dying to see you.

(This could sound very romantic.)

会う(au) = to see

~に会いたい(~ni aitai) = to want to see ~

Ex) 甘いものをずっと我慢してきたので、お菓子が食べたくてたまらない! (amaimono wo zutto gamanshitekita node,

okashi ga tabetakute tamaranai!)

= I’m dying to eat snacks since I’ve been control myself from eating sugar for a long time!

甘いもの(amaimono) = sweet thing such as candy, chocolate, cakes…

ずっと(zutto) = for a long time

我慢する(gaman suru) = to control myself, be patient, bear, stand, put up with… (in this case, it means “restraint.”)

お菓子(okashi) = snacks

Ex) 娘の事が心配でたまらない。 (musume no koto ga shinpaide tamaranai.)

= I’m terribly worried about my daughter. I’m worried sick about my daughter.

(musume) = daughter

~の事(~ no koto) = about ~

心配(shinpai) = to be worried

Ex) 仕事が好きでたまらない! (shigoto ga sukide tamaranai!)

= I absolutely love my job!

仕事(shigoto) = job

好き(suki) = to like

てたまらない can also be used for negative connotation.

Ex)仕事が嫌いでたまらない。 (shigoto ga kiraide tamaranai.)

= I absolutely hate my job.

嫌い(kirai) = to hate


縁起がいい・縁起が悪い(Engi ga ii/Engi ga warusi)

It’s a common expression and “Engi” is used to describe something to do with luck. Engi indicates “a sign of good thing or bad thing, or augury of things to come” * Japanese people, especially old people, can be superstitious, so they care something like this.

Ex) 夜 つめを切るのは、縁起が悪いからやめなさい。(yoru tsume wo kiru nowa, engi ga warui kara yamenasai.)

= Cutting nail at night brings bad luck, so don’t do it.

(It has been said that you can’t see your parent’s death if you cut your nail at night.)

(yoru) = night

(tsume) = nail

切る(kiru) = cut

やめる(yameru) = stop doing

~なさい(~nasai) = it’s a pretty strong command form to tell someone what to do. Used from parents to kids, or teacher to students.


あ!見て!茶柱が立ってる! (a! mite! chabashira ga tatteru!)

それは縁起がいいね!(sorewa engi ga ii ne!)

= Wow! Look! tea stalk is floating vertically!

= I bet good luck will come to you!

(It’s very unusual that a tea stalk get into a tea cup and float vertically. That is why it’s a good luck. )

見る(miru) = to look at

茶柱(chabashira) = tea stalk

立つ(tatsu) = to stand


悪銭身につかず(akusen mi ni tukazu)

Easy come, easy go.

Ex) 悪銭身につかずって言うし、ギャンブルもほどほどにしてね。(akusen mi ni tukazu tte iushi, gyamburu mo hodohodoni shite ne.)

= As the saying goes “easy come, easy go,” take it easy on gambling.

(aku) = bad

(zeni) = money

(mi) = a body, oneself

ほどほどにする(hodohodo ni suru) = go easy, cut back on, control oneself



you got into something / you are addicted to something / be devoted to / get caught up

Synonyms : のめりこむ、夢中になる(むちゅうになる)

Ex) 最近、何にはまってますか?(saikin nani ni hamattemasu ka?)

=What are you into lately?

最近(saikin) = lately

Ex) 最近、ハーモニカにはまっています。(saikin harmonica ni hamatteimasu.)

=I’m into harmonica lately.

ハーモニカ(harmonica) = harmonica

Ex) あのゲーム、めっちゃはまるよね。(ano game meccha hamaru yone.)

=That game is very addicting.

めっちゃ(meccha) = very

よね(yone) = you think so, right? : You want to confirm or make sure if the listener thinks in the same way like you do.


言葉遣い(kotoba dukai)

A way of speaking, wording

The way you speak is pretty important in Japan. Speaking in a casual way to strangers can be pretty rude. You can use casual language to someone you know, as long as the expression is appropriate. But there are inappropriate expressions, too, so be careful.

I just read an articleabout why and when you think badly about someone even though she is pretty. (This article focused on beautiful girls.) According to the results of this questionnaire, one of the reasons is if the person doesn’t know how to speak appropriately. *To read the article, click here and here.

Ex) 言葉遣いには気をつけましょう。(Kotoba dukai ni wa, ki wo tsukemashou.)

=Watch your language. Be careful in your speech.

気をつける(ki wo tsukeru) = to be careful

~ましょう(mashou) = Volitional – normal form : Let’s~

Ex) 言葉遣いが悪い。(Kotoba dukai ga warui.)

= S/he uses bad language.

悪い(warui) = い Adjective : bad


早い者勝ち(hayai mono gachi) 『idiom』

First come, first serve.

You can also say “Hayai mon gachi.” This is more casual.

A: 商品には限りがございますから、お早めにお越しください。

(Shouhin ni wa kagiri ga gozaimasu kara, o-hayame ni okoshi kudasai.)

= Please arrive early as supplies are limited.

B: つまり、早い者勝ちってことね。 (Tsumari, hayai mono gachi tte koto ne.)

= You mean first come, first serve, huh?

商品(shouhin) = item, commercial products

~に限りがある(~niwa kagiri ga aru) = as for ~, it’s limited; be in limited supply.

限りがある(kagiri) = finite

ございます(gozaimasu) =Honorific way to say “あります.”

(お)早めに(o-hayame ni) = early, ahead of time (* Adding “o” before the word just make a word politer.)

お越しください(o koshi kudasai) = Honorific way to say “Please come.”

(つまり、)___と言う事ですね。(tsumari, ___toiukoto desu ne.) = In other words, you are saying ___.

(つまり、)___って事ね。(tsumari, ___tte koto ne) =Casual way to say above. In other words, you are saying ___.

* You can omit つまり in both sentences.

* By saying ___と言う事ですねor ___って事ね, you are interpreting what someone has said simply .

応募(oubo) 『Noun』


応募する(oubo suru) 『Verb』

apply to, to respond to a recruitment, reply to an advertisement

Ex) 求人応募しました。 (kyuu-jin ni oubo shimashita.)

= I applied for a position.

求人(kyuu jin) = job offer, position for a job


(kanojo wa intaanetto no kenshou ni oubo shite, Kōbe bīfu ga atatta.)

= She applied for an online competition and won Kobe beef.

= She entered a contest for a prize and won Kobe beef.

懸賞(kenshou) = prize、a contest for a prize

インターネットの懸賞(intaanetto no kenshou) = online competitions

神戸ビーフ(Kōbe bīfu) =Kobe beef

item が 当たる(~ga ataru) = to win

ふるって ご応募ください。 (hurutte go-oubo kudasai)

= You are cordially invited to apply.

ふるって(hurutte) = without hesitation, actively

*お verb stem ください(o ___ kudasai) = Giving respectful advice; you are being encouraged to perform the actions for your own good.

*ご verb stem ください(go ___ kudasai) = Giving respectful advice; you are being encouraged to perform the actions for your own good.

ご応募 ください(go-oubo kudasai) = Please apply.


分担(buntan) 『Noun』 / 分担する(buntan suru) 『Verb』

division; share; assign

Ex) 効率よく仕事をするために、役割を分担しましょう。

(kouritsu yoku shigoto o suru tameni, yakuwari o buntan shimashou.)

=Let’s divide the roles in order to be efficient in the work.

効率がいい(kouritsu ga ii) = to be efficient

仕事(shigoto) = job, work

verb short form ために (~tameni) = in order to verb


a part, a role(a function or position)

会社でのあなたの役割は、何ですか? (watashi ni yatsuatari shinai de yo)

= What is your role at work?

会社(kaisha) = company

光は、光合成において 重要な役割 を 果たしています。

(hikari wa kougousei ni oite juuyou-na yatsuatari o hatashiteimasu.)

= Light plays an important part in photosynthesis.

(hikari) = light

光合成(kougousei) = photosynthesis

~において(~ni oite) = regarding

重要な(juuyou na) = important

役割を果たす(yakuwari o hatasu) = play a part, play a role


To take your anger or frustration out on others.

Used as in : ~に八つ当たりする(~ni yatsuatari suru) 『verb』 = take out on~

私に八つ当たりしないでよ!(watashi ni yatsuatari shinai de yo)

= Don’t take it out on me!

~しないで(~shinai de) = 【verb negative short form + で】 indicates “don’t do(verb)”

八つ当たりしてごめん。(yatsuatari shite gomen.)

= I’m sorry I take it(my frustration, anger) out on you.

ごめん(omen) = casual way to say “I’m sorry.”


to be contradictory, run counter to, disagree…


(karera no hanashi wa kuichigatteimasu. Dare kaga uso o tsuiteiru ni chigainai.)

= What they are saying is contradictory. Someone must have been telling lies.

彼らの(karera no) = their

(hanashi) =  story

誰か(dareka) =  someone

嘘をつく(uso o tsuku) =  to tell a lie

に違いない(ni chigainai) =  must

彼の証言は事実と食い違っています。(Kare no shougen wa jijitsu to kuichigatteimasu.)

= His testimony conflicts with the facts.

証言(shougen) =  testimony

事実(jijitsu) =  facts

彼の意見はいつも私のと食い違います。(kare no iken wa itsumo watashi no to kuichigaimasu.)

= His views always jar with mine.

意見(iken) = opinion

いつも(itsumo) = always

私の(watashi no) = mine

参る (mairu)】 『Verb』

1. Modest form of “to go; to come”

2. Used as お参りする(omairi-suru) : go to worship(visit) at a shrine : go to family(ancestor’s) graves

3. To be defeated. 参った(maitta) is another word to show that you surrender.


Ex) ただいま、参ります。(tadaima, mairimasu.) = I’m coming right away.


Ex) 今日、神社へお参りしにいきます。(kyou jinja e omairishini ikimasu. ) = I’ll visit a shrine today.


Ex) 参ったか? (maitta ka?) = Do you give up? Have you had enough? Say uncle!

Ex) 参りました(mairimashita) = I surrender. Uncle.(In response to “Say uncle!”)

お手上げ (oteage)】

catch-22 situation / a situation where there is nothing I could do.

もう、お手上げです。 (mou oteage desu.) = I’m up the creek. I’m stuck. I’m in a catch-22 situation.

Ex) もう、お手上げ状態です。 (mou oteage joutai desu.) = I’m up the creek. I’m stuck. I’m in a catch-22 situation.

(te) = hand, hands

上げる(ageru) =  to put up, lift up

状態(joutai) =  condition

お手上げです。 (Oteage desu.) = I give up.


(watashi wa suugaku ga tokui desu ga, sasuga no watashi mo, kono mondai wa oteage desu.)

= I’m good at math, but as good as I am, I’m clueless about this question.

数学 (suugaku) = math

得意 (tokui) = good at

さすがの○○も、 (sasuga no ○○ mo ~)

= Even someone who is considered as great in the field can’t ____.

問題 (mondai) = question, problem

(oteage) can also be used when you surrender (showing a white flag). This is because when you surrender, you put your hands up.

お手上げです。 (Oteage desu.) =  I surrender. I give up.

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